Episode 134

Important wellbeing Practices to Implement in Business

Published on: 3rd March, 2021

When you've decided to take the leap to answer the call to be of service, sharing with the worlds your passions, gifts, wisdom, and experience, actualizing your dream and experiencing true freedom as you live out your deepest desires comes with you honoring your wellbeing. While we've grown up in a society of vanity, comparison, and status, now, more than ever, is it important to stay in your own lane as you go forth and unleash your medicine.

Now that we've been in quarantine for the last year, honoring your mental health and wellbeing is the most important area of life to address. Because when you're out there choosing to serve your community, show up online, and navigating through an experience that's inviting you to be brave, and share with the world why you're really here, realize that you are responsible for your reality and your sovereignty.

To reach the point in your business where things are flowing and in alignment, honoring your wellbeing means understanding the boundaries, the practices, and the importance of a balanced work-life flow. It's time to embrace and adjust to living in a modern technological world while remembering your humanness, and the importance of embracing what makes you, well... YOU!


In this episode, I talk about...

◆  The importance of Social Media Sabbaticals

◆  Embracing that it's okay to ask for help and support

◆  Why following people who are integrious and aligned with you are nonnegotiable

◆  Honoring your unique rhythm and flow

◆  Implementing systems to automate, execute, + plan ahead


Ready to hone in on each season and make the most of it for your business? In Alchemize Your Systems, you’ll learn how to plan with purpose alongside beautiful templates and guides to support you and your business as you cultivate a sustainable work-life flow. http://sabrinariccio.com/alchemize-your-systems

Here, you’ll not only gain access to a Reflection guide with templates, prompts, and automations, but you’ll learn how to create smarter, not harder!

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The Sovereign Society
Spiritual Business + Empowerment Podcast for Modern Mystics, Medicine Women, and Soulpreneurs
Hello Sacred Disruptor, and welcome to The Sovereign Society Podcast. I'm your guide Sabrina Riccio, Shamanic Brand Strategist for Sovereign CEOs. In this sacred temple, we explore what it means to embark on the spiritual journey towards sovereign embodiment, multidimensional leadership, social justice, and building a business of integrity. Gathered here are some of the world's leading mentors, healers, and revolutionists as they share codes, wisdom, and transmissions of inspiration, activation, and empowerment.

Join us as we explore topics such as entrepreneurship, spiritual activism, conscious living, spirituality, leadership, self-love, wellness, personal development, psychedelics, self-help, inspiration, consciousness, relationships, metaphysics, and self-empowerment.

Embarking on your journey, you are here, dismantling the matrix to activate a legacy for generations to come. As a sovereign leader, you have the power to implement real change for the evolution of humanity, moving the masses to align with their souls' desires, embodied in their Truth. It's time to answer the call because the world is ready for your medicine.
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Sabrina Riccio